Installing profiles
Installation using Windows:
1. Extract the downloaded Zip file by right clicking the zip folder and selecting “extract all”.
2. Right-click on the unpacked ICC Profile and select “Install Profile”. The installation will only take a few seconds. You can also install your profile manually by moving it to the proper folder listed below.
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 – C:/windows/system32/spool/drivers/color
Windows 95, 98 – C:/windows/system/color
Windows NT – C:/winNT/system32/color
Note: Please restart your graphics application (e.g. Photoshop) if it was open during the profile installation.
Installation using Mac OS:
1. Double-click on the downloaded Zip file. The ICC Profile will be extracted in the same folder automatically.
2. Move the extracted ICC Profile to the proper folder listed below.
Mac OS 8-9x – System Folder > Color Sync Folder
Mac OS X – Macintosh HD > Users > User > Library > ColorSync > Profiles
Note: Please restart your graphics application (e.g. Photoshop) if it was open during the profile installation.
Note for Macintosh / Safari Users: Downloading profiles using Safari may unzip the “*.zip” automatically and the file will get corrupt. You may turn off this function or select a different browser like Mozilla Firefox. To change the default settings of Safari open the Safari settings dialog (press cmd and comma on your keyboard while Safari is your target window) and deselect the settings for “Open safe files after downloading” at the bottom of the settings dialog.